



邮箱: chenxihit@hit.edu.cn, chenxi.chem@hotmail.com



2004-2008: 四川大学(学士)

2008-2010: 新加坡国立大学(硕士)

2010-2012: 德】乌尔姆大学博士,High Honors

2012-2018: 马普分子生理所&马普化学基因组学中心(博后)

2018-2019: 普林斯顿大学分子生物学院(副研究员/学者)

2019-: 哈尔滨工业大学生命科学中心(研究员/博导)


本课题组开展以光化学遗传学(chemo-optogenetics)为特色的化学生物学交叉学科的研究。我们发展选择性蛋白质化学修饰方法(A),化学遗传学(chemical genetics)及光化学遗传学等前沿技术(B)并结合其它生物学研究手段来探究与细胞骨架及相关蛋白有关的前沿生命科学问题。我们基于非洲爪蟾无细胞体系技术开展微管分枝成核(branching microtubule nucleation)过程以及纺锤体组装的重建研究,用于研究细胞分裂过程中保障染色体正确无误分离的纺锤体自组装过程,在分子层面探究纺锤体组装的调控机制(C)。基于对相关分子机制的深入理解,并结合实验室蛋白质(抗体)的精确修饰改造技术,期望最终研发一系列蛋白质偶联药物来治疗与基因组稳定性密切相关的疾病,如癌症等。




[1] X. Chen, M. Venkatachalapathy, L. Dehmelt, Y.-W. Wu*, Multidirectional activity control of cellular processes by a versatile chemo-optogenetic approach (Very Important Paper). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2018, 57, 11993-11997

[2]X. Chen, Y.-W. Wu*, Tunable and photoswitchable chemically induced dimerization for chemo-optogenetic control of protein and organelle positioning. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2018, 57, 6796-6799

[3] X. Chen#, M. Venkatachalapathy#, D. Kamps, S. Weigel, R. Kumar, M. Orlich, R. Garrecht, M. Hirtz, C. M. Niemeyer, Y.-W. Wu*, Leif Dehmelt*, “Molecular Activity Painting”: Switch-like, light-controlled perturbations inside living cells (Hot Paper/Cover Story#co-first author). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2017, 56, 5916-5920

[4] X. Chen, F. Li, Y.-W. Wu*, Chemical labeling of intracellular proteins via affinity conjugation and strain-promoted cycloadditions in live cells. Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 16537-16540

[5]W. Liu#, F. Li#X. Chen#, J. Hou#, L. Yi, Y.-W. Wu*, A rapid and fluorogenic TMP-AcBOPDIPY probe for covalent labeling of proteins in live cells (#co-first author). J. Am Chem. Soc2014, 136, 4468-71

[6X. Chen, F. Li, Y.-W. Wu, Affinity conjugation for rapid and covalent labeling of proteins in live cells (Chapter 15). Methods Mol. Biol.(“Proximity labeling: Methods and protocols”) 2019, Vol 2008, 191-202

[7X. Chen, Y.-W. Wu, Selective chemical labeling of proteins. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2016, 14, 5417-5439

[8X. Chen, L. Henschke, Q. Wu, B. Neumann, K. Muthoosamy, T. Weil, Site-selective azide incorporation into endogenous RNase A via a chemistry approach. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2013, 11, 353-61

[9X. Chen, K. Muthoosamy, A. Pfisterer, B. Neumann, T. Weil, Site-selective lysine modification of native proteins and peptides via kinetically controlled labeling. Bioconjugate Chem. 2012, 23, 500-508

[10X. Chen, Q. Wu, L. Henschke, G. Weber, T. Weil, An efficient and versatile approach for the preparation of a rhodamine B ester bioprobe library. Dyes Pigm. 2012, 94, 296-3038

[11X. Chen, A. Pfisterer, K. Müllen, T. Weil, Site-directed protein and peptide chemistry via tailored bioorthogonal reagents. Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 241, 681-ORGN


[12] X. Chen, S. Voss, Y.-W. Wu, Chemoselective modification of proteins (Chapter 8)

Wiley-VCH (“Chemical ligation: Tools for biomolecule synthesis and modification”) 2017, 285-338. 


[13] Y.-W. Wu, X. Chen, Photo-switchable chemical inducers of dimerization for control of protein functions in cells by light

as European Patent: Patent No. EP3424922A1, published on January 9th, 2019

as PCT Patent: Patent No. WO2019008175, published on January 10th, 2019